US Customs requires this info to legally import your goods into all U.S. ports. Filing ISF is easy if you provide these important documents to us in a timely manner. These documents contain important data about your shipment and the parties who will receive your shipment in the USA ( Importer of Record).
ISF data sheet
ISF data is typically provided by the manufacturer/supplier/shipper/forwarder who organized your shipment. If you have not received an ISF data sheet, simply ask us and we can provide a worksheet to complete.
Bill of Lading
The BL has important vessel, voyage, schedule and container info pertaining to your shipment.
Power of Attorney
Complete our USCBP Power of Attorney form. Your sales specialist will have provided you with a link to access electronically. Note, for businesses, this form must be signed by an officer of the company- i.e. President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary
* If you are filing as a company, please fill out and sign this form online.
Corporate Power of Attorney
If you filed as a company we need IRS Backup info
Please provide backup of your importer number/EIN/Tax ID.
-If you have opted to use an IRS EIN/TaxID number as your importer number, we’ll need a copy of communication ( letter) sent to you from the IRS which shows the same EIN/TaxID, business name, and address as was entered into your POA form.
Drivers license/passport or government issued ID
If you are an individual using your social security number as your importer number, we will need a drivers license/passport or government issued ID showing the same name and address as entered into your POA form
Commodity Info
we need to know the “essential character” of the product you are importing. For ISF, you are welcome to simply write a detailed description of what you are importing.
File today and take advantage of our other expert logistics service offerings for