Harmonized System Code: ISF Filing Terms & Definitions Explained

The Harmonized System Code, also known as HS Code, is a standardized numerical method of classifying traded products. It is used by customs authorities around the world to identify products for the purpose of levying duties and taxes. The HS Code system is governed by the World Customs Organization (WCO), and is used by more than 200 countries as a basis for their customs tariffs.

The HS Code is also used for gathering international trade statistics, which are used by economists and policymakers for economic research and trade policy formulation. The HS Code system is a complex and comprehensive system, with over 5,000 commodity groups, each identified by a six-digit code. The system is organized into 21 sections and 96 chapters, with each chapter further divided into headings and subheadings.

Understanding the Harmonized System Code

The Harmonized System Code is a six-digit code, with the first two digits representing the chapter of the product, the next two digits representing the heading, and the last two digits representing the subheading. The first six digits are universal, while countries are free to add additional digits for further classification.

The HS Code is used by customs authorities to determine the duties and taxes that should be applied to a product. It is also used by shipping companies and freight forwarders for the preparation of shipping documents and electronic data interchange (EDI) transmissions.

HS Code Structure

The HS Code is structured in a hierarchical manner, with the first two digits representing the chapter, the next two digits representing the heading, and the last two digits representing the subheading. Each level of the hierarchy represents a more specific classification of the product.

For example, the HS Code for a digital camera is 8525.80. The first two digits, 85, represent the chapter (Electrical machinery and equipment), the next two digits, 25, represent the heading (Transmission apparatus), and the last two digits, 80, represent the subheading (Digital cameras).

HS Code Classification

The classification of a product under the HS Code system is based on its nature, function, and composition. The classification is determined by the customs authorities of the importing country, based on the product description provided by the exporter.

The classification of a product can have a significant impact on the duties and taxes that are applied to it. Therefore, it is important for exporters to accurately classify their products under the HS Code system.

HS Code Verification

Given the importance of the HS Code in the ISF filing process, it is essential to verify the HS Code for each item in the cargo. This can be done by referring to the HS Code database maintained by the World Customs Organization, or by consulting with a customs broker or freight forwarder.

It is also important to ensure that the HS Code is correctly entered into the ISF. Any errors in the entry of the HS Code can lead to problems in the ISF filing process.


While the HS Code and ISF filing can be complex, with a good understanding of the concepts and careful attention to detail, they can be effectively managed. This will help to ensure smooth and efficient international trade, and to avoid unnecessary complications and costs.

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